TLO Limited
The Learning Organisation
TLO is the home of BLP and LQF
- Working with you to improve your school.
- A wide range of first-class training and resources.
- Training that incorporates the latest research, develops peer coaching, and provides active learning experiences.
Building Learning Power
- Helping young people become better learners.
- Developing their portable learning power.
- Preparing young people for a lifetime of learning.
- International research into how the mind works shows that we are all capable of becoming better learners.
Learning Quality Framework
- Build a coherent approach to learning.
- Base your approach to learning on research from the learning sciences.
- Make sure all learners are winners in your school.
- Pioneer 21st century education.
- Learning Quality Standard.

We have practical, expert help available for schools of all sizes both in the UK around the world. Send us a message, so one of our consultants can get in touch to discuss learning in your school.
We care about innovation.
Education never stands still. New thinking, legislative changes and target shifts all put greater demands on schools and teachers. At TLO, we strive to keep ahead of these changes by researching and harnessing the most advanced thinking, and making this available through our training and publications.
We care about clarity and coherence.
Education is full of competing and contradictory ideas. We work to focus the fuzzy ideas, distil and blend the best thinking, try things out in practice, and create clear, coherent models and frameworks that can be adapted for use throughout a school.
We care about quality and detail.
We do sometimes, as some would say, ‘sweat the small stuff’. We attend to the little details that actually make things work. We believe that our attention to detail in both the content and the visual design of our training materials and publications makes them easier to understand and more effective in use.
We care, especially, about long-lasting effects.
We don’t offer ready-made answers. Instead we aim to stimulate your curiosity, draw your attention to good ideas and practice, and help you find your own solutions. Our programmes and publications are designed to keep you thinking, questioning and making your own sense of the learning world for a long time to come.
TLO’s commitment to your learning journey
TLO will provide:
- a long-term role in stimulating, guiding and reviewing your progress
- partnership working with you to build the school’s capacity
- fully trained and quality assured trainers and coaches
- a wide range of first-class training, materials and resources
- a consultant assigned to your school or network to ensure your progress
- training that incorporates the latest research, develops peer coaching, and provides active learning experiences.
Building Learning Power
International research into how the mind works shows that we are all capable of becoming better learners. Building Learning Power applies this research directly to the work of teachers in classrooms, to provide a practical framework for fostering lifelong learning in all young people.
“It is the job of education not to assume that learning will take place but to do everything possible deliberately to help it do so.”
Professor Guy Claxton
Originator of Building Learning Power
To prosper in the learning age, we must learn to embrace uncertainty with robust self-confidence, and approach the future with curiosity and optimism.
Building Learning Power provides a clear direction for this exciting journey; it:
- Recognises that effective learning depends on qualities of attention and emotional reactivity; of thought and imagination; of reflection and self-awareness; and of sociability and relationships.
- Respects the complexities of science and resists easy simplifications, slogans and gimmicks.
- Views teachers as learning-power coaches who explore and extend students’ learning-to-learn behaviours.
- Infuses the development of learning habits and skills into curriculum content.
- Develops a language for learning throughout the school.
- Attends to the kind of language used to frame activities and comment on learning.
- Encourages learning challenges that students can get their teeth into — real, interesting and hard.
- Involves teachers in seeing themselves as learners about learning: taking time to think and ask questions about learning, testing out claims of their own, and customising ideas for local conditions and students’ current interests.
- Infects school life beyond the classroom, linking the professional world of teachers and the school’s relationship with its community.
- Sees education as a preparation for a learning life, with optimism that this can be pursued without a revolution — or at least with only a quiet, local, one.
The Learning Quality Framework
A rigorous developmental framework to guide a school towards delivering outstanding learning, leading to:
- Creative, independent learners who achieve well and are prepared for the challenges of 21st century living
- Outstanding teaching that expands young people’s capacity and appetite to learn
- A collaborative learning culture that supports experimentation and personal responsibility
Schools with aspirations for learners…
Does your school aspire to:
- equip young people to take responsibility for their own learning and prepare them for 21st Century life?
- make world-class learning your educational goal?
- surpass Ofsted’s new expectations for teaching and learning with ease and confidence?
- nurture greater autonomy, creativity and independence of thought in young people?
- play a more expansive educational game?
The Learning Quality Framework:
- makes these vital, challenging aspirations DO-ABLE;
- has a Quality Standard at its core;
- untangles and describes the features of a learning school;
- offers steps in the learning journey;
- promotes progression through review and/or verification;
- is based on the learning sciences and principles of learning organisations
The LQF scaffolds the school’s learning journey through;
- a quality standard that captures key aspects of a school’s culture
- materials and consultancy to assist in diagnosis and action planning
- external reviews of progress or verification of levels